江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    船体数量 双体船
    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 3舱
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    其他特性 双舵轮
    全部长度 9.99 m(32'09" )
    宽度 5.5 m(18'00" )
    吃水深度 0.9 m(2'11" )
    位置 4.8 t(5.29 us ton)
    发动机功率 19 ch(19 hp)
    燃料容量 100 l(26 gal)
    淡水容量 240 l(63 gal)


“ Ladyhawke 33是要体验安全和样式的海,无需牺牲舒适的那些人的理想的筏。当它着迷的设计、美妙地详细的内部和仅最优质的材料用于,Ladyhawke 33是一个独特的产品适合与寻找在舒适和表现之间的辩明的观众完善的平衡与保险费是意大利制造。


作为Ladyhawke 33提供在自然光、宽敞舒适的就座和一个大驾驶舱沐浴的宽空间。现代内部吹嘘美好的木头和典雅的结束与关注给予每个细节创造典雅容易居住在机上。海上Ladyhawke 33提供到达17个结的最大速度出色表现。引擎提供优秀巡航速度和低燃料消费。

是敏感和容易处理,Ladyhawke 33赞赏由要利用这些特点的两位老练的水手以及由寻找容易的舒适的风帆经验的那些人,不管怎样Ladyhawke 33提供纯净的航行的乐趣。

Ladyhawke 33是独特的在multihulls世界:在舒适、表现、安全和质量设计之间的完善的平衡;100%意大利制造国际水平的catamaran. ”


The LH 33 is the ideal catamaran if you are looking for a sizable boat with excellent agility, without sacrificing comfort and style.

Safe and seaworthy

Although it is one of the smaller cabin catamarans on the market the LH 33 can match larger seagoing vessels for performance. Built as a single fiberglass block, it is extremely rigid and is able to deal safely with even the most severe sea conditions.

Agility and performance

The LH 33 is a particularly easy boat to manoeuvre, ideal for those who are taking their first steps into the world of catamarans or sailing in general. The engine has an excellent cruising speed and is extremely economical.

Comfortable interiors

with refined details

LH 33 has spacious accommodation, comfortable seating and a cockpit worthy of a 50’. For the interior only the highest quality materials have been used which enhance the modern stylish design, attention to detail and catering for life on board is our priority.
