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Ecopile 是一种由海洋承包行业设计和设计的乙烯基玻璃纤维复合船舶打桩。

Ecopile 的制造商海岸线塑料公司认识到,我们的水道中对压力处理木材的环境耐受性越来越高,海洋环境中较新的木材堆桩的使用寿命也越来越短。 海

岸线塑料公司在海洋承包行业拥有终身经验,开发了 Ecopile。 它的设计能够超越所有其他桩,并满足严苛的海洋建筑的严苛要求,并且专为人行道、升船和船屋的苛刻需求而设计。

Ecopile 100% 不含任何浸出污染物,100% 可回收,100% 不受木材枯燥生物影响,并符合严格环境要求的所有可持续发展标准。

六角星设计被挤出为内部织带,以增强 EcoPile 的结构性能。 所有三角形协同工作,使打桩更坚固、更坚硬,同时也有助于减轻重量和成本。 当螺栓固定在管道上时,它还可以防止管道自身倒塌。 这样的型材只能通过我们专门的挤出生产工艺进行生产。 空心内部还允许您在打桩过程中运行电线和管道,给码头更加完美的外观。

被驱动到地面的打桩的底部有一个螺旋槽切入其中。 这些凹槽使沙子能够沉降到堆积堆中,将其锁定在地面上,使其在大风暴中被拉出显著困难。


The Ecopile is a vinyl-fiberglass composite marine piling engineered and designed by and for the marine contracting industry.

Shoreline Plastics, the manufacturer of the Ecopile, recognizes the growing environmental resistance to pressure treated timber in our waterways as well as the shortening lifespan of newer timber pilings in the marine environment due to marine boring organisms.

Shoreline Plastics, with a lifetime of experience in the marine contracting industry, developed the Ecopile. It is designed to outlast all other pilings, and to meet all the rigors of harsh marine construction and is engineered for the exacting needs of walkways, boat lifts and boathouses.

The Ecopile is 100% free from any leaching pollutants, 100% recyclable, 100% impervious to wood boring organisms and meets all the sustainability standards of exacting environmental requirements.

The hexagram design is extruded as an internal webbing to enhance the structual properties of the EcoPile. All the triangles work together to make the piling stronger and stiffer, while also helping reduce weight and costs. It also keeps the pipe from collapsing on itself when bolting onto it. A profile like this can only be made with our specialized extrusion production process. The hollow insides also allow you to run wires and plumbing throught the piling, giving the dock a more finished look.

The bottom section of the piling that is driven into the ground has a spiral groove cut into it. These grooves allow the sand to settle into the piling, locking it into the ground and making it significantly harder to be pulled out during a large storm.